I had a busy but beautiful day on Monday. I went to school by bike, it was a little bit chilly, but I like riding my bike, I think when I return home I'm gonna use it. :) Anyway, I started school at 8.10 with Special Needs Class, they were 12 years old and only 3 boys in the class. I like the way Tim always starts the class: First of all, he asks how was your weekend. Everybody tells briefly what they did, how they spent their weekend. It's a good way to warm up kids. :) Then, Tim introduced the task for that day, pupils had to make a photo. So, Tim asked them what's their favorite famous star, or what they're interested in general. Students have to learn how to use the Paintshop Pro program. So, we went to the computer room where they sat down and tried to look pictures on the net. Tim went to each student and helped them, explained them what to do, he showed it and then erased it so the kids should do it individually. They did a good job, I was amazed, because it's a special class, so again, a very practical thing to learn. Kids like computer in general anyway, and now, they're able to use this program and make decorations or have fun with this program. Finally, they printed the pictures and laminated. So, kids are able to use the laminator machine, (school has got one) and I have to tell you that I have never seen it in my life. Of course, I know about it, but personally I don't use it. So, I always give it to the shop assistant at home and let him do it. All right. So it was great experience again. There weren't a lot to do, like teaching, but for me it was really nice to watch this class.
After the break, kids could have the chance to make another one if they wanted to. Now, Tim didn't have to help a lot, so everybody did another one.
After this, I went to visit 9A class. There weren't a lot to do for me. They had tests in English (written part). I got a copy of the test, it's hard, they had to work hard on this.
It's still very strange for me, when the teacher arrives in the class, no one stands up. The lesson just starts. Tim said that it was the same for him, in England it's different.
I asked him about the grades in Denmark. Until the 8th class you don't get any grades.
Grade system in Denmark, in brackets you find the Hungarian version of it.
-3 it means you're completely don't know anything at all. (It doesn't exist in Hungary)
00 They use two zero because you can't replace it with any other number. You fail. (same in Hungary with 1)
02 It means you pass the exam. (Same with 2 in Hungary)
4 A little bit better than past. (same in Hungary with 3)
7 Better than pass (same in Hungary with 3)
10 Good (which is 4 in Hungary)
12 Excellent (5 in Hungary)
Different. We have grades for behaviour and hard working, they don't have it, they get comments on that.
It was interesting to visit and experience a lot in the 9A class.
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