However, I missed this year's Oscar night in Hollywood, LA, here in Haderslev I got to go one. It was smaller, and not as fancy as it could have been in LA, but being a student, it was fine. Ioana and me dressed up like movie stars, or at least we tried to. She was supposed to be Amelie (I don't know the actress' real name in this movie, but everybody knows her Amelie) and I was supposed to be Drew Barrymore, Nicole Kidman, or Kate Winslet...I don't know. So, we dresed up and went to the Friday bar at the College, where we met with some Audrey Hapbourns, Indiana Jones, Tom Cruise, John Lennon, and even we met with Betty, the ugly girl. (If you don't know this one, she was in a Brazilian soap opera) :)
We had fun, we felt very special that night being dressed up. :)
Sounds like the Fridays at your school are pretty cool.
Any luck making real Danish friends?
We're working on it. However, We have older friends, above 30s and I have friends from church. :)) I'm glad that I can find friends in Christ!
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