Jeg hedder Judit, jeg er tre og tyve. Jeg bo i Haderslev i Praestegade nr. atten. (18)
My name is Judit, I'm 23 years old. I live in Haderslev in the Priest street 18. :) (By the way, I'm so happy to live in the priest street).
Jeg er fra Ungarn. = I'm from Hungary.
These are the first steps to talk in Danish. I have got some Danish class, so I have the chance to talk to Danish students and learn in Danish.
I think it's more fun to say these sentences than to write it, because you don't pronunce it in the same way as it is written. That's okay, whenever you call me on skype you can hear my Danish accent. :))
I decided to try to sum up the last 3 busy weeks in Haderslev. It's not easy, but I hope my writing style will be understood. I also hope that you understand my poor English grammar, I try to make the best of it. :)) Please, apologize for my mistakes and if you want to help me improve my English grammar skills you can help. Any kind of critics are accepted here.
All right: let's take a deep step in my memory and start:
First impression of Denmark: on the airplane, people were nice, and I could see the huge bridge between Malmö and Copenhagen, you know one of my dream places to visit one day. ...So I tought it looks pretty... Anyway, I was so excited that I thought I'm gonna throw up on the airplane, so I had an old married couple sitting next to me, and they thought the same, so they were so kind that they prepared the plastic bag for me, I said ohh thank you, but I think I'm just excited, nothing wrong. ...Thank God, I survived....The whole trip was a blessing, I met with nice people who helped me putting the suitcases to the train. I was very thirsty on the train, so I bought Cocio, the real Danish chocolate drink, I love it.
So I arrived to Kolding, where I met with my buddy, Carsten. he is a nice guy. He and his friend, Kim, gave me a lift to Haderslev. The weather was just amazing, and I saw Danish houses with nice doors and little cute windows from the car, I thought, Oh my God, this is beautiful.
We arrived and then I got the key, and this huge house was mine for 3 days, because the owners of the house were away...I chose my room, took a shower, and Carsten took me for dinner. No wonder we ate at a Chinese restaurant, this town has got a lot. I ate noodles with chicken, and I liked it. Then, we went to the college where there was a some kind of party, so I met with Danish students. One of the students asked me: "oh, so you're from Hungary, like Bucarest." On the first night, I taught a geography lesson, and explained patiently that no, that capital is not in my country, a little bit easter, but you were almost right. I decided that I don't want to judge anybody, so even this situation was kind of weird I got used to it, because Danish people don't really know anything about Hungary at all. Or maybe some of them: lake Balaton, Budapest.
My sweetest flatmate ever, Ioana, has got a better story. She talked to people and they thought that because she is from Romania, she is a spy from Russia. Ohh, well it's just history. Anyway, we decided to make friends and let them know about our country.
To continue my first weekend in this wonderful country, I went to shopping with Carsten, and I saw Danish people with beer in their hands and without shoes, maybe it was becuase of the weather. It was strange. I got to know the town on Saturday, the weather was like Summer, and on late afternoon, my buddy, and his friends gave me a ride to the seaside. It was a cool experience because the sea was a little bit cold for me, however it was cool, cause I haven't seen the seaside for 10 years. So I was just peaceful and happy. At night, we went to Kim's house, he and his friends, cooked Danish dinner. Oh, man it was soo nice. I had so much fun, and they knew about Hungary, they were interested in my country, we were talking about traditions in Denmark etc. After dinner, we went to a petrol station where I had the chance to try some real salty Danish liquish. (sós gumicukor). I must say I survived. :)) Surely, it's not my favourite, but it's okay. Maybe I buy some as a gift later on. :))
On Sunday, We went to a trip. Carsten's family has a ship, we went to sea and the first time in my life I guess, I got a fisk (fish). I was the only one, no one else except me. But, I have to say, that I prayed for it, I really did, and a Bible story came to my mind, where Jesus says: "Ask and it will be given to you, seek, and you will find, knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Or what man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread , will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent? If you then being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him! Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets". Matthew 7: 7-12 from the Bible
I said to my Lord, I know you love me, but this is too much. I had a great weekend, and still, I feel like I'm totally blessed here. Ioana said that she feels like she is in a Cinderella or a fairy tale story. She is right. We feel like, we're in wonderland. :))
First of September:
The school started, I was excited, soo excited that even Carsten told me on which way I should go, I got lost a little bit, and I was on late, which I don't like. I know that Danish people are always on time. I wanted to be like that, especially on the very first day. It's okay. I met with Jette, my Eramus coordinator, she is so nice, very helpful. I felt like when I said somehing she wants to do it on that day, very kind, again a huge blessing to work with her. :)
My first day was okay, I liked it. I like the way they teach here. The key word is: freedom.
In my college, we never leave our classroom without permission, here you just go to the restroom, whenever you want, I mean whenever you need to go...
Different. Being here, feels like a holiday. However, I know I study, experience a lot of things. ...All right the best part will just come...
Good news to those who know that I cannot draw. This is not true, it's not me who said this, but my art class teacher. She said that don't tell to your body you cannot do it, it's so negative. I was just wondering how many times you can hear in Hungary since primary school this sentence: you cannot do it. So I suppose I should be a genius now, if you know what I mean...
So I have got this class, it's really cool, I can improve my drawing skills. Also, I have got English class, Comparative Education, Danish as a second language, Weblogs, where we study how to use this blogspot etc. Next week my teaching practice is gonna start. I'm excited again, I went to the primary school today where I start my week next week, the English teacher Tim, was a nice guy, he told the details, and I introduce myself on Monday, and I'm telling you the details later on.
my second weekend: We got to go to Aarhus, the second biggest town in Denmark with Kim, Frida, his daughter, Carsten, Ioana and me. We walked in the town and had a sandwich in a restaurant. Also, we had a trip to Stafet for Livet programe, fighting against cancer, we had the same kind of programe in Hungary. We had lots of fun that day. :)
Last Friday, 12th of September, we went to a school trip with he first year' students, and we had to do different kind of activities during the trip. By the end of the trip, we caught a cold, it's still pretty bad, and I thought that I had fun, but it was a little bit long and too much for me.
Around 5 pm. we got baptized, which meant you had to go through a some kind of difficulty field, tipically freshmen things to do at college. At the end we slided on the slide-way and we ended in a pool with full of stinky stuff, pasta, whipped cream etc. Yep, it sounds disgusting, but on the other hand it was fun, We looked funny after all. :) On Friday night, we went back to school to dance, we had fun...
/Ioana and me after school baptism, it was very cold/
On Sunday, we went to Ribe, west of Denmark, with the German groups. I got see the North Sea, which was amazing and again a huge blessing. I was so enthusiastic, and I was so happy and I shouted that Oh my God, I cannot believe I'm here. All the other students from Germany, except Ioana, looked at me strange, maybe they have already seen the North Sea, but you know when I'm happy, I'm really happy. I show it, you know that way....or if not you will get to know...
Okay, I spend this week with cooking, going to school, try to recover from my sickness, but it seems to me that the Neocitran from home doesn't work. I should do something....
Well, I think I wrote the most important things about my three weeks here. I'm just so thankful to God being here, and I'm excited to tell you more about my studies, my experiences here.
I hope you liked it. :) Talk to you soon. Have a great week! Blessings :)
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